⚠️ Важно: данный сайт не имеет отношения к владельцам schema.org, это всего лишь любительский (неофициальный) перевод. Сайт сделан для тех кто плохо воспринимает технический английский. Оригинальную и актуальную информацию на английском языке вы можете найти тут: schema.org/MusicGroup.

Микроразметка MusicGroup

Изучите микроразметку для музыкальных групп на schema.su!

MusicGroup - Тип Schema.org
Описание: Музыкальная группа, такая как группа, оркестр или хор. Может быть также использована для описания сольного музыканта.

Микроразметка MusicGroup представляет собой тип Schema.org, описывающий музыкальную группу, такую как группа, оркестр или хор. Также может использоваться для описания сольного музыканта.

Для использования данной микроразметки на сайте рекомендуется явно указывать связи между организацией, исполняющей группой и музыкальным коллективом. Это поможет поисковым системам лучше понимать контекст и связи данных сущностей.

СвойствоОжидаемый типОписание
Properties from MusicGroup
album MusicAlbum Музыкальный альбом Supersedes albums.
genre Text или URL Жанр креативного произведения, телевизионного канала или группы.
track ItemList или MusicRecording A music recording (track)—usually a single song. If an ItemList is given, the list should contain items of type MusicRecording. Supersedes tracks.
Properties from Organization
actionableFeedbackPolicy CreativeWork или URL For a NewsMediaOrganization or other news-related Organization, a statement about public engagement activities (for news media, the newsroom’s), including involving the public - digitally or otherwise -- in coverage decisions, reporting and activities after publication.
address PostalAddress или Text Физический адрес объекта.
agentInteractionStatistic InteractionCounter Количество завершенных взаимодействий для этой сущности, в определенной роли («агент»), в конкретном действии (указанном в статистике) и в определенном контексте (т. Е. interactionService).
aggregateRating AggregateRating Общий рейтинг, основанный на коллекции отзывов или оценок элемента.
alumni Person Alumni организации. Обратное свойство: alumniOf
areaServed AdministrativeArea или GeoShape или Place или Text Географическая область, где предоставляется услуга или продукт. Supersedes serviceArea.
award Text Награда, выигранная или присужденная этому элементу. Supersedes awards.
brand Brand или Organization Бренд(ы), связанные с продуктом или услугой, или бренд(ы), поддерживаемые организацией или бизнес-персоной.
contactPoint ContactPoint Контактная точка для человека или организации. Supersedes contactPoints.
correctionsPolicy CreativeWork или URL For an Organization (e.g. NewsMediaOrganization), a statement describing (in news media, the newsroom’s) disclosure and correction policy for errors.
department Organization

Отношение между организацией и ее подразделением, описываемым также как организация (позволяет использование разных URL, логотипов, времени работы). Например: магазин с аптекой или пекарня с кафе.

dissolutionDate Date Дата роспуска организации - дата, когда организация была роспущена.
diversityPolicy CreativeWork или URL Statement on diversity policy by an Organization e.g. a NewsMediaOrganization. For a NewsMediaOrganization, a statement describing the newsroom’s diversity policy on both staffing and sources, typically providing staffing data.
diversityStaffingReport Article или URL For an Organization (often but not necessarily a NewsMediaOrganization), a report on staffing diversity issues. In a news context this might be for example ASNE or RTDNA (US) reports, or self-reported.
duns Text Идентификационный номер Dun & Bradstreet для определения организации или бизнес-персоны.
email Text Адрес электронной почты.
employee Person Кто-то, работающий в этой организации. Supersedes employees.
ethicsPolicy CreativeWork или URL Statement about ethics policy, e.g. of a NewsMediaOrganization regarding journalistic and publishing practices, or of a Restaurant, a page describing food source policies. In the case of a NewsMediaOrganization, an ethicsPolicy is typically a statement describing the personal, organizational, and corporate standards of behavior expected by the organization.
event Event Предстоящее или прошедшее событие, связанное с этим местом, организацией или действием. Supersedes events.
faxNumber Text Номер факса.
founder Person Человек, который основал эту организацию. Supersedes founders.
foundingDate Date Дата основания организации.
foundingLocation Place Место, где была основана Организация.
funder Organization или Person Лицо или организация, поддерживающие (спонсирующие) что-то с помощью какого-то финансового взноса.
funding Grant A Grant that directly or indirectly provide funding or sponsorship for this item. See also ownershipFundingInfo. Обратное свойство: fundedItem
globalLocationNumber Text The Global Location Number (GLN, sometimes also referred to as International Location Number or ILN) of the respective organization, person, or place. The GLN is a 13-digit number used to identify parties and physical locations.
hasCertification Certification Сертификация информации о продукте, организации, услуге, месте или человеке.
hasCredential EducationalOccupationalCredential Свойство hasCredential присваивается Лицу или Организации.
hasMerchantReturnPolicy MerchantReturnPolicy Указывает на MerchantReturnPolicy, которая может быть применима. Supersedes hasProductReturnPolicy.
hasOfferCatalog OfferCatalog Свидетельствует о наличии списка OfferCatalog для этой Организации, Человека или Сервиса.
hasPOS Place Точки продаж, управляемые организацией или человеком.
interactionStatistic InteractionCounter Количество взаимодействий для CreativeWork с использованием WebSite или SoftwareApplication. The most specific child type of InteractionCounter should be used. Supersedes interactionCount.
isicV4 Text Код ISIC Revision 4 для конкретной организации, бизнес-персоны или места в рамках Международной стандартной классификации видов экономической деятельности (ISIC), 4-е издание.
iso6523Code Text An organization identifier as defined in ISO 6523(-1). The identifier should be in the XXXX:YYYYYY:ZZZ or XXXX:YYYYYYformat. Where XXXX is a 4 digit ICD (International Code Designator), YYYYYY is an OID (Organization Identifier) with all formatting characters (dots, dashes, spaces) removed with a maximal length of 35 characters, and ZZZ is an optional OPI (Organization Part Identifier) with a maximum length of 35 characters. The various components (ICD, OID, OPI) are joined with a colon character (ASCII 0x3a). Note that many existing organization identifiers defined as attributes like leiCode (0199), duns (0060) or GLN (0088) can be expressed using ISO-6523. If possible, ISO-6523 codes should be preferred to populating vatID or taxID, as ISO identifiers are less ambiguous.
keywords DefinedTerm или Text или URL Ключевые слова или теги, используемые для описания некоторого элемента. Несколько текстовых записей в списке ключевых слов обычно разделяются запятыми или повторением свойства.
knowsAbout Text или Thing или URL Of a Person, and less typically of an Organization, to indicate a topic that is known about - suggesting possible expertise but not implying it. We do not distinguish skill levels here, or relate this to educational content, events, objectives or JobPosting descriptions.
knowsLanguage Language или Text Of a Person, and less typically of an Organization, to indicate a known language. We do not distinguish skill levels or reading/writing/speaking/signing here. Use language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard.
legalName Text Официальное наименование организации, например, зарегистрированное название компании.
leiCode Text Свойство является идентификатором организации, который уникально идентифицирует юридическое лицо, определенное в ISO 17442.
location Place или PostalAddress или Text или VirtualLocation Местоположение, например, где происходит событие, где находится организация или где происходит действие.
logo ImageObject или URL Ассоциированный логотип.
makesOffer Offer Указатель на товары или услуги, предлагаемые организацией или человеком. Обратное свойство: offeredBy
member Organization или Person Член организации или членство в программе. Организации могут быть членами других организаций; ProgramMembership обычно для физических лиц. Supersedes members, musicGroupMember. Обратное свойство: memberOf
memberOf Organization или ProgramMembership Организация (или Программное членство), к которой принадлежит это Лицо или Организация. Обратное свойство: member
naics Text Система классификации отраслей Северной Америки (NAICS) код для конкретной организации или бизнес-персоны.
nonprofitStatus NonprofitType nonprofitStatus указывает юридический статус некоммерческой организации в ее основном месте деятельности.
numberOfEmployees QuantitativeValue Количество сотрудников в организации, например, бизнесе.
ownershipFundingInfo AboutPage или CreativeWork или Text или URL For an Organization (often but not necessarily a NewsMediaOrganization), a description of organizational ownership structure; funding and grants. In a news/media setting, this is with particular reference to editorial independence. Note that the funder is also available and can be used to make basic funder information machine-readable.
owns OwnershipInfo или Product Продукты, принадлежащие организации или человеку.
parentOrganization Organization The larger organization that this organization is a subOrganization of, if any. Supersedes branchOf. Обратное свойство: subOrganization
publishingPrinciples CreativeWork или URL The publishingPrinciples property indicates (typically via URL) a document describing the editorial principles of an Organization (or individual, e.g. a Person writing a blog) that relate to their activities as a publisher, e.g. ethics or diversity policies. When applied to a CreativeWork (e.g. NewsArticle) the principles are those of the party primarily responsible for the creation of the CreativeWork.While such policies are most typically expressed in natural language, sometimes related information (e.g. indicating a funder) can be expressed using schema.org terminology.
review Review Рецензия на объект. Supersedes reviews.
seeks Demand Указатель на продукты или услуги, которые ищет организация или человек (спрос).
slogan Text Слоган или девиз, связанный с объектом.
sponsor Organization или Person Лицо или организация, которая поддерживает объект через обещание, обет или финансовый вклад. Например, спонсор медицинского исследования или корпоративный спонсор мероприятия.
subOrganization Organization Отношение между двумя организациями, где первая включает вторую, например, как дочернюю компанию. Смотрите также: более конкретное свойство 'department'. Обратное свойство: parentOrganization
taxID Text Идентификационный номер для налоговых/фискальных целей организации или человека, например, TIN в США или CIF/NIF в Испании.
telephone Text Номер телефона.
unnamedSourcesPolicy CreativeWork или URL For an Organization (typically a NewsMediaOrganization), a statement about policy on use of unnamed sources and the decision process required.
vatID Text Идентификатор НДС организации или человека.
Properties from Thing
additionalType Text или URL An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. Typically the value is a URI-identified RDF class, and in this case corresponds to the use of rdf:type in RDF. Text values can be used sparingly, for cases where useful information can be added without their being an appropriate schema to reference. In the case of text values, the class label should follow the schema.org style guide.
alternateName Text Псевдоним для элемента.
description Text или TextObject Описание элемента.
disambiguatingDescription Text Подсвойство описания. Краткое описание элемента, используемое для различения от других, схожих элементов. Для того чтобы описание было полезным для разрешения неоднозначности, может потребоваться информация из других свойств (в частности, name).
identifier PropertyValue или Text или URL The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. Schema.org provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See background notes for more details.
image ImageObject или URL An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
mainEntityOfPage CreativeWork или URL Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See background notes for details. Обратное свойство: mainEntity
name Text Название элемента.
potentialAction Action Указывает на потенциальное действие, описывающее идеализированное действие, в котором этот объект мог бы выполнять роль 'объекта'.
sameAs URL URL страницы для ссылки, однозначно указывающей на идентичность объекта. Например, URL страницы объекта на Википедии, записи в Wikidata или официального веб-сайта.
subjectOf CreativeWork или Event Свойство Schema.org - subjectOf: A CreativeWork or Event about this Thing. Обратное свойство: about
url URL URL объекта.

Instances of MusicGroup may appear as a value for the following properties
СвойствоOn TypesОписание
byArtist MusicAlbum или MusicRecording Исполнитель, который выступил на этом альбоме или записи.
musicBy Clip или Episode или Movie или MovieSeries или RadioSeries или TVSeries или VideoGame или VideoGameSeries или VideoObject Композитор саундтрека.


Example 1
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
<h1>Foo Fighters</h1>

<h2>Video: Interview with the Foo Fighters</h2>
<object ...>
  <param ...>
  <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ...>
Catch this exclusive interview with Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters
 about their new album, Rope.


 Length: 4:05 - 14300 plays
<a href="foo-fighters-rope-play.html">Play</a>
<a href="foo-fighters-rope-buy.html">Buy</a>
From album: <a href="foo-fighters-wasting-light.html">Wasting Light</a>

 Length: 6:33 - 11700 plays
<a href="foo-fighters-everlong-play.html">Play</a>
<a href="foo-fighters-everlong-buy.html">Buy</a>
From album: <a href="foo-fighters-color-and-shape.html">The Color And The Shape</a>

<h2>Upcoming shows</h2>

<a href="foo-fighters-may20-fedexforum">FedExForum</a>
Memphis, TN, US
May 20
<a href="ticketworlds.com/foofighters/may20-2011">Buy tickets</a>

<a href="foo-fighters-may23-midamericacenter">Mid America Center</a>
Council Bluffs, IA, US
May 23
<a href="ticketworlds.com/foofighters/may23-2011">Buy tickets</a>

<h2><a href="foo-fighters-photos">28 Photos</a></h2>
<a href="foofighters-1.jpg"><img
alt="Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band"
src="foofighters-thumb1.jpg" /></a>
<a href="foofighters-2.jpg"><img
alt="Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band"
src="foofighters-thumb2.jpg" /></a>
<a href="foofighters-3.jpg"><img
alt="Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band"
src="foofighters-thumb3.jpg" /></a>

Excited about seeing them in concert next week. -Lawrence , Jan 23
I dig their latest single. -Mary, Jan 19
Showing 1-2 of 18 comments. <a href="foofighters-comments">More</a>
Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/MusicGroup">
    <h1 itemprop="name">
        Foo Fighters
    <div itemprop="subjectOf" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/VideoObject">
            Video: <span itemprop="name">Interview with the Foo Fighters</span>
        <meta itemprop="duration" content="PT1M33S">
        <meta itemprop="thumbnail" content="foo-fighters-interview-thumb.jpg"><object>
             <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
        </object> <span itemprop="description">Catch this exclusive interview with Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters about their new album, Rope.</span>
        </h3>Excited about seeing them in concert next week. -Lawrence , Jan 23 I dig their latest single. -Mary, Jan 19
        <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/InteractionCounter">
            <meta itemprop="interactionType" content="https://schema.org/CommentAction">
            <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="18">
        </div>Showing 1-2 of 18 comments. <a href="foofighters-comments">More</a>
    <div itemprop="track" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/MusicRecording">
        <span itemprop="name">Rope</span>
        <link itemprop="url" href="foo-fighters-rope.html">Length:
        <meta itemprop="duration" content="PT4M5S">4:05 - 14300 plays
        <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/InteractionCounter">
            <meta itemprop="interactionType" content="https://schema.org/ListenAction">
            <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="14300">
        </div><a href="foo-fighters-rope-play.html" itemprop="audio">Play</a> <a href="foo-fighters-rope-buy.html" itemprop="offers">Buy</a> From album: <a href="foo-fighters-wasting-light.html" itemprop="inAlbum">Wasting Light</a>
    <div itemprop="track" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/MusicRecording">
        <span itemprop="name">Everlong</span>
        <link itemprop="url" href="foo-fighters-everlong.html">Length:
        <meta itemprop="duration" content="PT6M33S">6:33 - 11700 plays
        <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/InteractionCounter">
            <meta itemprop="interactionType" content="https://schema.org/ListenAction">
            <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="11700">
        </div><a href="foo-fighters-everlong-play.html" itemprop="audio">Play</a> <a href="foo-fighters-everlong-buy.html" itemprop="offers">Buy</a> From album: <a href="foo-fighters-color-and-shape.html" itemprop="inAlbum">The Color And The Shape</a>
        Upcoming shows
    <div itemprop="event" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Event">
        <a href="foo-fighters-may20-fedexforum" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="name">FedExForum</span></a> <span itemprop="location">Memphis, TN, US</span>
        <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2011-05-20">May 20 <a href="ticketmaster.com/foofighters/may20-2011" itemprop="offers">Buy tickets</a>
    <div itemprop="event" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Event">
        <a href="foo-fighters-may23-midamericacenter" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="name">Mid America Center</span></a> <span itemprop="location">Council Bluffs, IA, US</span>
        <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2011-05-23">May 23 <a href="ticketmaster.com/foofighters/may23-2011" itemprop="offers">Buy tickets</a>
        <a href="foo-fighters-photos">28 Photos</a>
    </h2><a href="foofighters-1.jpg" itemprop="image"><img alt="Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band" src="foofighters-thumb1.jpg"></a> <a href="foofighters-2.jpg" itemprop="image"><img alt="Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band" src="foofighters-thumb2.jpg"></a> <a href="foofighters-3.jpg" itemprop="image"><img alt="Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band" src="foofighters-thumb3.jpg"></a>
Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="MusicGroup">
    <h1 property="name">
        Foo Fighters
    <div property="subjectOf" typeof="VideoObject">
            Video: <span property="name">Interview with the Foo Fighters</span>
        <meta property="duration" content="PT1M33S">
        <meta property="thumbnail" content="foo-fighters-interview-thumb.jpg"><object>
             <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
        </object> <span property="description">Catch this exclusive interview with Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters about their new album, Rope.</span>
        </h3>Excited about seeing them in concert next week. -Lawrence , Jan 23 I dig their latest single. -Mary, Jan 19
        <div property="interactionStatistic" typeof="https://schema.org/InteractionCounter">
            <meta property="interactionType" content="https://schema.org/CommentAction">
            <meta property="userInteractionCount" content="18">
        </div>Showing 1-2 of 18 comments. <a href="foofighters-comments">More</a>
    <div property="track" typeof="MusicRecording">
        <span property="name">Rope</span>
        <link property="url" href="foo-fighters-rope.html">Length:
        <meta property="duration" content="PT4M5S">4:05 - 14300 plays
        <div property="interactionStatistic" typeof="https://schema.org/InteractionCounter">
            <meta property="interactionType" content="https://schema.org/ListenAction">
            <meta property="userInteractionCount" content="14300">
        </div><a href="foo-fighters-rope-play.html" property="audio">Play</a> <a href="foo-fighters-rope-buy.html" property="offers">Buy</a> From album: <a href="foo-fighters-wasting-light.html" property="inAlbum">Wasting Light</a>
    <div property="track" typeof="MusicRecording">
        <span property="name">Everlong</span>
        <link property="url" href="foo-fighters-everlong.html">Length:
        <meta property="duration" content="PT6M33S">6:33 - 11700 plays
        <div property="interactionStatistic" typeof="https://schema.org/InteractionCounter">
            <meta property="interactionType" content="https://schema.org/ListenAction">
            <meta property="userInteractionCount" content="11700">
        </div><a href="foo-fighters-everlong-play.html" property="audio">Play</a> <a href="foo-fighters-everlong-buy.html" property="offers">Buy</a> From album: <a href="foo-fighters-color-and-shape.html" property="inAlbum">The Color And The Shape</a>
        Upcoming shows
    <div property="event" typeof="Event">
        <a href="foo-fighters-may20-fedexforum" property="url"><span property="name">FedExForum</span></a> <span property="location">Memphis, TN, US</span>
        <meta property="startDate" content="2011-05-20">May 20 <a href="ticketmaster.com/foofighters/may20-2011" property="offers">Buy tickets</a>
    <div property="event" typeof="Event">
        <a href="foo-fighters-may23-midamericacenter" property="url"><span property="name">Mid America Center</span></a> <span property="location">Council Bluffs, IA, US</span>
        <meta property="startDate" content="2011-05-23">May 23 <a href="ticketmaster.com/foofighters/may23-2011" property="offers">Buy tickets</a>
        <a href="foo-fighters-photos">28 Photos</a>
    </h2><a href="foofighters-1.jpg" property="image"><img alt="Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band" src="foofighters-thumb1.jpg"></a> <a href="foofighters-2.jpg" property="image"><img alt="Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band" src="foofighters-thumb2.jpg"></a> <a href="foofighters-3.jpg" property="image"><img alt="Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band" src="foofighters-thumb3.jpg"></a>
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
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            "location": "Memphis, TN, US",
            "offers": "ticketmaster.com/foofighters/may20-2011",
            "startDate": "2011-05-20",
            "url": "foo-fighters-may20-fedexforum"
            "@type": "Event",
            "location": "Council Bluffs, IA, US",
            "offers": "ticketmaster.com/foofighters/may23-2011",
            "startDate": "2011-05-23",
            "url": "foo-fighters-may23-midamericacenter"
    "image": [
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    "track": [
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            "name": "Rope",
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            "@type": "MusicRecording",
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            "duration": "PT6M33S",
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                "interactionType": "https://schema.org/ListenAction",
                "userInteractionCount": "11700"
            "offers": "foo-fighters-everlong-buy.html",
            "url": "foo-fighters-everlong.html"
    "subjectOf": {
        "@type": "VideoObject",
        "description": "Catch this exclusive interview with Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters about their new album, Rope.",
        "duration": "PT1M33S",
        "name": "Interview with the Foo Fighters",
        "thumbnail": "foo-fighters-interview-thumb.jpg",
        "interactionStatistic": {
            "@type": "InteractionCounter",
            "interactionType": "https://schema.org/CommentAction",
            "userInteractionCount": "18"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 2
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
JSON-LD description of a scheduled Event with limited ticket availability and performer details indicated using sameAs.
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context" : "https://schema.org",
  "@type" : "Event",
  "name" : "Typhoon with Radiation City",
  "startDate" : "2013-09-14T21:30",
  "location" : {
    "@type" : "Place",
    "sameAs" : "http://www.hi-dive.com",
    "name" : "The Hi-Dive",
    "address" : {
      "@type" : "PostalAddress",
      "streetAddress" : "7 S. Broadway",
      "addressLocality" : "Denver",
      "addressRegion" : "CO",
      "postalCode" : "80209" }
  "performer" : [
    { "@type" : "MusicGroup",
      "name" : "Typhoon",
      "sameAs" : "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoon_(American_band)" },
    { "@type" : "MusicGroup",
      "name" : "RadiationCity",
      "sameAs" : "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_City" }],
  "offers" : {
    "@type" : "Offer",
    "availability" : "https://schema.org/LimitedAvailability",
    "priceCurrency": "USD",
    "price" : "13.00",
    "url" : "http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/309433" },
  "typicalAgeRange" : "18+"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 3
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
  <h2>Shostakovich Leningrad</h2>
    <div>8:00 PM</div>
      <strong>Britten, Shostakovich</strong>
    <p>Jaap van Zweden conducts two World War II-era pieces showcasing the glorious sound of the CSO.</p>

        <link href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Grimes" />
        <span><strong>Britten</strong> Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from <em>Peter Grimes</em></span>
      <link href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_No._7_(Shostakovich)" />
      <span><strong>Shostakovich</strong> Symphony No. 7 <em>(Leningrad)</em></span>

      <img src="/examples/cso_c_logo_s.jpg" alt="Chicago Symphony Orchestra" />
      <link href="http://cso.org/" />
      <link href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Symphony_Orchestra" />
        <a href="examples/Performer?id=4434">Chicago Symphony Orchestra</a>

      <link href="http://www.jaapvanzweden.com/" />
      <img src="/examples/jvanzweden_s.jpg" alt="Jaap van Zweden"/>
        <a href="/examples/Performer.aspx?id=11324">Jaap van Zweden</a>

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
<div itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/MusicEvent">

  <div itemprop="location" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/MusicVenue">
    <meta itemprop="name" content="Chicago Symphony Center"/>
    <link itemprop="sameAs" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_Center"/>
    <meta itemprop="address" content="220 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA"/>

  <div itemprop="offers" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Offer">
    <link itemprop="url" href="/examples/ticket/12341234" />
    <meta itemprop="price" content="40"/>
    <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="USD" />
    <link itemprop="availability" href="https://schema.org/InStock"/>

  <h2 itemprop="name">Shostakovich Leningrad</h2>
    <div itemprop="startDate" content="2014-05-23T20:00">May<span>23</span></div>
    <div>8:00 PM</div>
      <strong>Britten, Shostakovich</strong>
    <p>Jaap van Zweden conducts two World War II-era pieces showcasing the glorious sound of the CSO.</p>

      <li itemprop="workPerformed" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
        <link itemprop="sameAs" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Grimes" />
        <span itemprop="name"><strong>Britten</strong> Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from <em itemprop="name">Peter Grimes</em></span>
      <li itemprop="workPerformed" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
      <link itemprop="sameAs" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_No._7_(Shostakovich)" />
      <span itemprop="name"><strong>Shostakovich</strong> Symphony No. 7 <em>(Leningrad)</em></span>

    <div itemprop="performer" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/MusicGroup">
      <img src="/examples/cso_c_logo_s.jpg" alt="Chicago Symphony Orchestra" />
      <link itemprop="sameAs" href="http://cso.org/" />
      <link itemprop="sameAs" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Symphony_Orchestra" />
        <a href="examples/Performer?id=4434"><span itemprop="name">Chicago Symphony Orchestra</span></a>

    <div itemprop="performer" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person">
      <link itemprop="sameAs" href="http://www.jaapvanzweden.com/" />
      <img itemprop="image" src="/examples/jvanzweden_s.jpg" alt="Jaap van Zweden"/>
        <a href="/examples/Performer.aspx?id=11324"><span itemprop="name">Jaap van Zweden</span></a>

Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="MusicEvent">

  <div property="location" typeof="MusicVenue">
    <meta property="name" content="Chicago Symphony Center"/>
    <link property="sameAs" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_Center"/>
    <meta property="address" content="220 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA"/>

  <div property="offers" typeof="Offer">
    <link property="url" href="/examples/ticket/12341234"/>
    <meta property="priceCurrency" content="USD" />$
    <meta property="price" content="40"/>40.00
    <link property="availability" href="https://schema.org/InStock"/>

  <h2 property="name">Shostakovich Leningrad</h2>
    <div property="startDate" content="2014-05-23T20:00">May<span>23</span></div>
    <div>8:00 PM</div>
      <strong>Britten, Shostakovich</strong>
    <p>Jaap van Zweden conducts two World War II-era pieces showcasing the glorious sound of the CSO.</p>

      <li property="workPerformed" typeof="CreativeWork">
        <link href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Grimes" property="sameAs"/>
        <span property="name"><strong>Britten</strong> Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from <em property="name">Peter Grimes</em></span>
      <li property="workPerformed" typeof="CreativeWork">
      <link href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_No._7_(Shostakovich)" property="sameAs"/>
      <span property="name"><strong>Shostakovich</strong> Symphony No. 7 <em>(Leningrad)</em></span>

    <div property="performer" typeof="MusicGroup">
      <img src="/examples/cso_c_logo_s.jpg" alt="Chicago Symphony Orchestra"/>
      <link href="http://cso.org/" property="sameAs"/>
      <link href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Symphony_Orchestra" property="sameAs"/>
      <a property="name" href="examples/Performer?id=4434">Chicago Symphony Orchestra</a>

    <div property="performer" typeof="Person">
      <link href="http://www.jaapvanzweden.com/" property="sameAs"/>
      <img src="/examples/jvanzweden_s.jpg" alt="Jaap van Zweden" property="image"/>
      <a property="name" href="/examples/Performer.aspx?id=11324">Jaap van Zweden</a>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "https://schema.org",
  "@type": "MusicEvent",
  "location": {
    "@type": "MusicVenue",
    "name": "Chicago Symphony Center",
    "address": "220 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA"
  "name": "Shostakovich Leningrad",
  "offers": {
    "@type": "Offer",
    "url": "/examples/ticket/12341234",
    "price": "40",
    "priceCurrency": "USD",
    "availability": "https://schema.org/InStock"
  "performer": [
      "@type": "MusicGroup",
      "name": "Chicago Symphony Orchestra",
      "sameAs": [
      "@type": "Person",
      "image": "/examples/jvanzweden_s.jpg",
      "name": "Jaap van Zweden",
      "sameAs": "http://www.jaapvanzweden.com/"
  "startDate": "2014-05-23T20:00",
  "workPerformed": [
      "@type": "CreativeWork",
      "name": "Britten Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from Peter Grimes",
      "sameAs": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Grimes"
      "@type": "CreativeWork",
      "name": "Shostakovich Symphony No. 7 (Leningrad)",
      "sameAs": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_No._7_(Shostakovich)"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 4
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
An example of a more fully specified MusicEvent, including a tour image,
full venue address, multiple performers, and multiple ticket classes.
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context" : "https://schema.org",
    "@type" : "MusicEvent",
    "name" : "B.B. King with Jonathon \"Boogie\" Long",
    "image" : "http://www.bbking.com/gallery/b-b-king-live.jpg",
    "url" : "http://www.bbking.com/events/apr12-providence.html",
    "startDate" : "2014-04-12T19:30",
    "doorTime" : "18:30:00",
    "endDate" : "2014-04-12T22:00",
    "location" : {
        "@type" : "Place",
        "name" : "Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel",
        "sameAs" : "http://lupos.com/",
        "address" : {
            "@type" : "PostalAddress",
            "streetAddress" : "79 Washington St.",
            "addressLocality" : "Providence",
            "addressRegion" : "RI",
            "postalCode" : "02903",
            "addressCountry" : "US"
    "offers" : [ {
        "@type" : "Offer",
        "name" : "General Admission",
        "priceCurrency": "USD",
        "price" : "63.25",
        "availability" : "SoldOut",
        "url" : "http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/17004C29"
        "@type" : "Offer",
        "name" : "VIP Experience",
        "url" : "http://www.example.com/Abcde12345",
        "priceCurrency": "USD",
        "price" : "299.00",
        "validFrom" : "2014-02-05T10:00",
        "validThrough" : "2014-03-19T23:59"
    } ],
    "performer" : [ {
        "@type" : "MusicGroup",
        "name" : "B.B. King",
        "sameAs" : "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B.B._King"
        "@type" : "MusicGroup",
        "name" : "Jonathon \"Boogie\" Long",
        "sameAs" : "http://jonathonboogielong.com/"
    } ],
    "eventStatus" : "EventRescheduled",
    "previousStartDate" : "2013-09-30T19:30",
    "typicalAgeRange" : "18+"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 5
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
An example of possible JSON-LD for Let It Be by the Beatles.
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "https://schema.org",
    "@type": "MusicAlbum",
    "@id": "http://musicbrainz.org/release-group/bff544a7-56e0-3ed6-9e0f-3b676cca9111",
    "name": "Let It Be",
    "sameAs": [
    "image": "http://coverartarchive.org/release-group/bff544a7-56e0-3ed6-9e0f-3b676cca9111/front.jpg",
    "albumProductionType": "https://schema.org/StudioAlbum",
    "albumReleaseType": "https://schema.org/AlbumRelease",
    "genre": "rock",
    "byArtist": {
        "@type": "MusicGroup",
        "name": "The Beatles",
        "@id": "http://musicbrainz.org/artist/b10bbbfc-cf9e-42e0-be17-e2c3e1d2600d"
    "albumRelease": {
        "@type": "MusicRelease",
        "name": "Let It Be",
        "@id": "http://musicbrainz.org/release/8d5347a5-9ecb-44be-a213-860aaaf5d0b8"
    "track": {
	    "@type": "ItemList",
	    "numberOfItems": 12,
	    "itemListElement": [
		      "@type": "ListItem",
		      "position": 1,
		      "item": {
			      "@type": "MusicRecording",
			      "name": "Two Of Us"
		      "@type": "ListItem",
		      "position": 2,
		      "item": {
			      "@type": "MusicRecording",
			      "name": "Dig a Pony"
		      "@type": "ListItem",
		      "position": 3,
		      "item": {
			      "@type": "MusicRecording",
			      "name": "Across the Universe"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 6
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
MusicGroup Example.

Sample JSON-LD for the Beatles as described by MusicBrainz.
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "https://schema.org",
    "@type": "MusicGroup",
    "@id": "http://musicbrainz.org/artist/b10bbbfc-cf9e-42e0-be17-e2c3e1d2600d",
    "name": "Beatles",
    "sameAs": "http://www.thebeatles.com",
    "foundingLocation": {
        "@type": "City",
        "name": "Liverpool"
    "foundingDate": "1957",
    "dissolutionDate": "1970",
    "genre": "Rock",
    "album": {
        "@type": "MusicAlbum",
        "name": "The Beatles",
        "alternateName": "The White Album",
        "@id": "http://musicbrainz.org/release-group/055be730-dcad-31bf-b550-45ba9c202aa3",
        "datePublished": "1968"
    "member": [
        "@type": "OrganizationRole",
        "member": {
          "@type": "Person",
          "name": "John Lennon"
        "startDate": "1957",
        "endDate": "1970",
        "roleName": ["guitar", "lead vocals"]
        "@type": "OrganizationRole",
        "member": {
          "@type": "Person",
          "name": "Paul McCartney"
        "startDate": "1957",
        "endDate": "1970",
        "roleName": ["bass guitar", "lead vocals"]
        "@type": "OrganizationRole",
        "member": {
          "@type": "Person",
          "name": "George Harrison"
        "startDate": "1958",
        "endDate": "1970",
        "roleName": ["guitar", "lead vocals"]
        "@type": "OrganizationRole",
        "member": {
          "@type": "Person",
          "name": "Ringo Starr"
        "startDate": "1962",
        "endDate": "1970",
        "roleName": "drums"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

Обсуждение "MusicGroup"