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ActionStatusType: Тип перечисления Schema.org

Узнайте о статусе действия по микроразметке.

ActionStatusType - Тип перечисления Schema.org
Описание: Статус действия. Получите полную информацию о типе ActionStatusType на сайте schema.su

The ActionStatusType is a Schema.org Enumeration Type that represents the status of an Action. It is located within the schema hierarchy as follows: Thing > Intangible > Enumeration > StatusEnumeration > ActionStatusType.

The ActionStatusType is used to indicate the current status of an Action, such as 'Completed', 'Failed', 'Active', etc. It helps to provide more context and clarity to actions performed on a website, allowing for better communication between different entities involved.

When implementing the ActionStatusType in your structured data, make sure to choose the most appropriate status that accurately reflects the current state of the action. Consistency and accuracy are key to ensure that the structured data helps search engines understand the content of your website better.

Instances of ActionStatusType may appear as a value for the following properties
СвойствоOn TypesОписание
actionStatus Action Показывает текущее состояние Действия.

Enumeration members

Обсуждение "ActionStatusType"