⚠️ Важно: данный сайт не имеет отношения к владельцам schema.org, это всего лишь любительский (неофициальный) перевод. Сайт сделан для тех кто плохо воспринимает технический английский. Оригинальную и актуальную информацию на английском языке вы можете найти тут: schema.org/recipeYield.

Микроразметка recipeYield

Изучите, как указать количество продукции, получаемое из рецепта, на вашем сайте.

recipeYield - Свойство Schema.org
Описание: Количество продукции, получаемое из рецепта (например, количество людей, обслуженных, количество порций и т.д).
Микроразметка recipeYield используется для указания количества продукции, производимой по рецепту (например, количество людей, обслуженных, количество порций и т.д.). Это помогает поисковым системам лучше понимать информацию о ваших рецептах и предложениях на сайте. Для оптимальной работы микроразметки рекомендуется точно указывать количество продукции, чтобы пользователи быстро смогли оценить информацию.

Values expected to be one of these types

Used on these types


Example 1
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
Mom's World Famous Banana Bread
By John Smith, May 8, 2009
<img src="bananabread.jpg" alt="Banana bread on a plate" />

This classic banana bread recipe comes from my mom -- the walnuts add a nice
 texture and flavor to the banana bread.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 1 hour
Yield: 1 loaf
Tags: Low fat

Nutrition facts:
240 calories, 9 grams fat

- 3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed
- 1 egg
- 3/4 cup of sugar

 Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix in the ingredients in a bowl. Add the
 flour last. Pour the mixture into a loaf pan and bake for one hour.

From Janel, May 5 -- thank you, great recipe!
Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Recipe">
  <span itemprop="name">Mom's World Famous Banana Bread</span>
  By <span itemprop="author">John Smith</span>,
  <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2009-05-08">May 8, 2009
  <img itemprop="image" src="bananabread.jpg"
       alt="Banana bread on a plate" />

  <span itemprop="description">This classic banana bread recipe comes
  from my mom -- the walnuts add a nice texture and flavor to the banana

  Prep Time: <meta itemprop="prepTime" content="PT15M">15 minutes
  Cook time: <meta itemprop="cookTime" content="PT1H">1 hour
  Yield: <span itemprop="recipeYield">1 loaf</span>
  Tags: <link itemprop="suitableForDiet" href="https://schema.org/LowFatDiet" />Low fat

  <div itemprop="nutrition"
    itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/NutritionInformation">
    Nutrition facts:
    <span itemprop="calories">240 calories</span>,
    <span itemprop="fatContent">9 grams fat</span>

  - <span itemprop="recipeIngredient">3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed</span>
  - <span itemprop="recipeIngredient">1 egg</span>
  - <span itemprop="recipeIngredient">3/4 cup of sugar</span>

  <span itemprop="recipeInstructions">
  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix in the ingredients in a bowl. Add
  the flour last. Pour the mixture into a loaf pan and bake for one hour.

  <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/InteractionCounter">
    <meta itemprop="interactionType" content="https://schema.org/CommentAction" />
    <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="140" />
  From Janel, May 5 -- thank you, great recipe!
Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="Recipe">
  <span property="name">Mom's World Famous Banana Bread</span>
  By <span property="author">John Smith</span>,
  <meta property="datePublished" content="2009-05-08">May 8, 2009
  <img property="image" src="bananabread.jpg"
    alt="Banana bread on a plate" />

  <span property="description">This classic banana bread recipe comes
  from my mom -- the walnuts add a nice texture and flavor to the banana

  Prep Time: <meta property="prepTime" content="PT15M">15 minutes
  Cook time: <meta property="cookTime" content="PT1H">1 hour
  Yield: <span property="recipeYield">1 loaf</span>
  Tags: <link property="suitableForDiet" href="https://schema.org/LowFatDiet" />Low Fat

  <div property="nutrition" typeof="NutritionInformation">
    Nutrition facts:
    <span property="calories">240 calories</span>,
    <span property="fatContent">9 grams fat</span>

  - <span property="recipeIngredient">3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed</span>
  - <span property="recipeIngredient">1 egg</span>
  - <span property="recipeIngredient">3/4 cup of sugar</span>

  <span property="recipeInstructions">
  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix in the ingredients in a bowl. Add
  the flour last. Pour the mixture into a loaf pan and bake for one hour.

  <div property="interactionStatistic" typeof="InteractionCounter">
    <meta property="interactionType" content="https://schema.org/CommentAction" />
    <meta property="userInteractionCount" content="140" />
  From Janel, May 5 -- thank you, great recipe!
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "https://schema.org",
  "@type": "Recipe",
  "author": "John Smith",
  "cookTime": "PT1H",
  "datePublished": "2009-05-08",
  "description": "This classic banana bread recipe comes from my mom -- the walnuts add a nice texture and flavor to the banana bread.",
  "image": "bananabread.jpg",
  "recipeIngredient": [
    "3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed",
    "1 egg",
    "3/4 cup of sugar"
  "interactionStatistic": {
    "@type": "InteractionCounter",
    "interactionType": "https://schema.org/Comment",
    "userInteractionCount": "140"
  "name": "Mom's World Famous Banana Bread",
  "nutrition": {
    "@type": "NutritionInformation",
    "calories": "240 calories",
    "fatContent": "9 grams fat"
  "prepTime": "PT15M",
  "recipeInstructions": "Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix in the ingredients in a bowl. Add the flour last. Pour the mixture into a loaf pan and bake for one hour.",
  "recipeYield": "1 loaf",
  "suitableForDiet": "https://schema.org/LowFatDiet"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

Обсуждение "recipeYield"