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Микроразметка: interestRate

Узнайте о структурированных данных для расчета процентной ставки на сайте schema.su.

interestRate - Свойство Schema.org
Описание: Процентная ставка, взимаемая или выплачиваемая, применима к финансовому продукту. Примечание: это отличается от расчетной годовой процентной ставки.

The interestRate property represents the interest rate, whether it's charged or paid, related to a financial product. It's crucial for specifying the financial terms of a product for enhanced understanding by search engines. Remember, this property is distinct from the annualPercentageRate and must be accurate and relevant.

Values expected to be one of these types

Used on these types


Financial Industry Business Ontology project
This element is based on the work of the Financial Industry Business Ontology project (see http://www.fibo.org/schema for details), in support of the W3C Financial Industry Business Ontology Community Group (http://www.fibo.org/community). Many class and property definitions are inspired by or based on http://www.fibo.org.

Обсуждение "interestRate"